Here’s to Worcestershire Sauce

In my parent’s pantry in the 1970’s was a Lazy Susan, the spinning, double decker spice rack upon which resided the stuff that 1970’s suburban households rarely used, at least in my house, in the kitchen fare. I used to love looking at the odd things there, they were mysteries. A tiny bottle of old,…

Things You Learn While Juicing

I’m about to take another month to exclusively juice. Its a very enjoyable thing for me, and the benefits to my health are very good. Besides the weight loss, my mind is a bit sharper when I juice and my joints don’t hurt. This is my second round of exclusive juicing for my nourishment. I…

Dry Rubbed, Hickory Smoked Pork Loin

There is almost a cult-like devotion to the craft of smoking meat. Forums, social media groups, clubs, and competitions testify that smoking meat is a passion, a hobby and a skill as much as it is an ancient method for cooking food. At its simplest, smoking meat uses the low heat of a small bed…

How I Juice

Juicing at Alysheba Kitchen! Here’s a how-to that is produced in conjunction with my Youtube channel and garden blog, Black Gumbo Southern Gardening. And yes, I played that little musical bumper tune on my guitar. Ain’t that grand?

My Go-to Juice Recipes

Since I am now juicing for weight loss and enjoying it immensely, I thought I’d share some recipes for those who – like me – might not be too terribly concerned about cleansing, system re-sets, vitamin content, and trace minerals, but enjoy the juicing lifestyle for weight loss. I love food, that’s how I got…

Juicing at Alysheba Kitchen

Doesn’t it just figure that I would start a cooking blog and then, just months later, stop cooking altogether? I have not posted for some time because I’m doing something I never anticipated, yet have needed to do for some time. I am on an extended ‘juice fast’ to drop some weight. Now this is,…

Super Side Dish: Glazed Turnips

I’ve always been a fan of turnip greens, and I love the idea of turnips. I think it had to do with early fairy tales – they always had turnips in their baskets in the children’s books I read. They looked so exotic with their iconic purple tops. I learned later they are in fact…

Culinary Book Review: The Supper of the Lamb

As I was musing over food and recipes and sharing a marinade on social media, one of my Facebook friends recommended this book. I was intrigued. Being a reader, I ordered the book, and had intended to finish reading Buchan’s Greenmantle – which I was a quarter into – before picking up this book. But…

Versatile, Forgiving: Steak Soup

Traditionally, I was not much of a soup fan. That’s because the word “soup” conjures up the smell of Campbell’s Chunky or Lipton Cup-a-Soup , neither of which are inspiring (though I will credit them with being a step above Alpo.) I learned later to associate soup with Ramen Noodles, though I’d always doctor it…

Bone Broth

Stock is to a decent cook as a pneumatic nail gun is to a roofer. You can use a regular hammer and get the roof done, but no one is going to think much of your carpentry to call you up first.